ArcData - the Arctic & Northern Data and Education Gateway

The need for ArcData

Arctic Data

Interest and awareness about the Arctic and its global importance, economically, environmentally and strategically, is fast rising. The Arctic is estimated to hold as much as 30% of the world's unused resources. Utilization of these resources, strengthening and development of infrastructure, year-round trans-arctic shipping and rapidly increasing tourism requires enormous financial investments, bringing opportunities while posing threats.

Environmental awareness is increasing not least due to climate change.

There is a rapidly growing need for access to data and relevant data services, interpretation of data for business and education alike as well as knowledge based consulting for responsible policy- and decision making.

  • Data and Consulting Services and Systems
  • Mapping, Data Systems, Data Management and Analysis

What is ArcData?

ArcData - Specialities

  • Consulting and Outreach Services
  • Science Communication for Education and Tourism
  • Virtual Education Systems and Tools

Our Projects

  • Arctic Statistic Initiative
  • Arctic Data Management System

Partner Projects

  • Arctic Marine & Aviation Transportation Infrastructure Initiative - AMATII
  • Arctic Risk Platform
  • Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas - AREA
  • Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost - GTN-P
  • Registry of Polar Observing Networks - RoPON